Dr. Jordi Cerón
Unit Manager
Dr. Jordi Cerón studied chemistry at the University of Barcelona with the main subjects in organic and analytical chemistry. He completed his PhD at the University of Bremen, in Germany, between 1999 and 2002. He worked in the synthesis of donor-acceptor moieties to study the photoinduced electron transfer. He then moved to the USA for a 2-year Postdoctoral stage at the University of California, Davis, where he worked in the synthesis of non-planar heteroaromatic systems.
Jordi joined the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) in 2006 as a project researcher at Crysforma working in pharmaceutical solid state development. In 2009 he became Crysforma’s Manager. Since joining Crysforma, he has gained valuable expertise in crystallization processes and development and characterization of the pharmaceutical solid state. He has been involved in many solid state related projects with more than 60 pharmaceutical companies. He is co-inventor of 16 patents, all related to pharmaceutical solid state development.

Crysforma’s team
Scientific Advisor
Dr. Jordi Benet-Buchholz
PhD in Chemistry (University of Essen, 1998). In 2004, after 6 years at BAYER AG (Leverkusen) as Head of the Crystallography Laboratory, he joined ICIQ as X-Ray Diffraction Unit Manager. From 2005 he has been involved in the creation, management and development of Crysforma.
Expertise in systematic crystallization of compounds, characterization of polymorphs by powder X-ray diffraction and structure determination by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.